Friday, July 29, 2011


My doctor has ordered 4 45 min. MRI sessions, so I did 2 today and will do the last 2 on Mon (hated being enclosed in a tube for 1 hour and 20 min., but Valium, prayer, country music, and imagination seemed to help). I also did a skeletal survey today (a test in which pictures of the entire seletal structure are taken...always amazed at how thin I look in skeletal form). Melanie came down to be with the kids (and, of course, brought them treats and activities...LOVE HER!) We are doing our best to hang in there and really appreciate all the thoughts and prayers.


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bone marrow biopsy

Today's report - July 28, 2011-Another quote from Leslie: "Today was not an enjoyable experience. They did a bone marrow biopsy. They go in and core out a piece of bone. It's harder if you are a little chubby. I was hard. Hal said, this is not medicine this is carpentry. They were hammering, screwing and pulling. Then I was supposed to go do a skeletal survey, but I forgot because I was worried about Hallie Kate's MRI so I will do it tomorrow after my MRI. They also did blood tests today. We won't know any results until Tuesday. They were going to debulk one side of the tumor, but they decided to wait until after they get all the results. Hallie Kate's MRI is negative and we are real excited about that. She does have some blood pressure issues. She was somewhat dehydrated and very sensitive to her mom's situation. Leslie needs lots of prayers by Tuesday and Tuesday is the day we will have some answers. If you ask the kids about the cancer, they would say it's been great because mom and dad have been so nice to each other and people have been bringing us lots of goodies."

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


This is a quote from Leslie after her doctor visit today, "We are headed into six days of hell. First thing we have to do is to make sure it has not metastasized. Tomorrow they are going to do a bone marrow test. which includes removing a piece of bone from my hip. I asked if he could do liposuction while he is in there but he laughed at me. Then they are doing a skeletal survey which is a complete exam of the skull. Friday, I get to have a one and a half hour M.R.I. of the whole body. I didn't do well in the last one so I'm not sure how I will do with it. Monday, they are doing something called a PET test. I don't know what that is but it examines the bones and the blood and everything. It is pictures of the whole body. The MRI looks for lesions and things that are not normal in tissue. The PET test looks for admoradles in bones. They are doing all kinds of tests. If they do find that it is issolated within the sinuses they will do radiation and there is a good chance that I will have a full recovery. If it has metastasized then it will be chemotherapy for sure but if it hasn't they will go in and remove most of the mass and then start radiation. We'll know Tuesday if we can be happy about just having radiation or we will know if we should be devastated I never thought I would pray for just radiation.."


Hello, this is Melanie - I am going to give a brief history of what I know about Leslie's condition. About 8 months ago she started having issues with her sinuses. She was having a hard time breathing. She thought she had allergies and started treating it as such. She was not getting better. She finally went to a few doctors to see if she could get some relief as it was getting harder and harder to breathe. She finally went to a doctor who did a CAT scan of her head. The doctor was very concerned because he thought the mass could be a melanoma that was growing into her brain. This really scared her and Hal as the doctor didn't give them much hope if that had been what it is.
The doctor had her go in for a head MRI, which she hated as it is difficult for her to hold still for long, long periods of time, especially when you are in a straw. When they looked at the results of the MRI they discovered that the tumor was isolated in her sinuses but was blocking one of the passages completely. She is having a terrible time breathing and that makes it very difficult for her to sleep.

After further tests they discovered that the mass is a malignant tumor and would have to be treated with radiation and/or chemotherapy. One of Leslie's big concerns is that they live so close to a power plant that runs continually. There are huge lines going over her home. She has called and asked several organizations to try to get the plant tested but no one will help her. She is very frustrated about it. Hallie Kate is getting headaches. They are going to give her an MRI too on Thursday.