Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Hello, this is Melanie - I am going to give a brief history of what I know about Leslie's condition. About 8 months ago she started having issues with her sinuses. She was having a hard time breathing. She thought she had allergies and started treating it as such. She was not getting better. She finally went to a few doctors to see if she could get some relief as it was getting harder and harder to breathe. She finally went to a doctor who did a CAT scan of her head. The doctor was very concerned because he thought the mass could be a melanoma that was growing into her brain. This really scared her and Hal as the doctor didn't give them much hope if that had been what it is.
The doctor had her go in for a head MRI, which she hated as it is difficult for her to hold still for long, long periods of time, especially when you are in a straw. When they looked at the results of the MRI they discovered that the tumor was isolated in her sinuses but was blocking one of the passages completely. She is having a terrible time breathing and that makes it very difficult for her to sleep.

After further tests they discovered that the mass is a malignant tumor and would have to be treated with radiation and/or chemotherapy. One of Leslie's big concerns is that they live so close to a power plant that runs continually. There are huge lines going over her home. She has called and asked several organizations to try to get the plant tested but no one will help her. She is very frustrated about it. Hallie Kate is getting headaches. They are going to give her an MRI too on Thursday.

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